Khatami, Ehsan

Professor of Physics
Ehsan Explains




Preferred: 408-924-5235


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, University of Cincinnati, 2009
  • Master of Science, Physics, Sharif University of Technology, 2004
  • Bachelor of Science, Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, 2001

Research Interests

Strongly correlated electronic systems
Machine learning applications in quantum physics
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Numerical methods in condensed matter physics
Quantum information science

Recent Awards

Exceptional Levels of Service to Students

2021-2023 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics Scholar

菠菜网lol正规平台 Early Career Investigator Award

Selected Publications

Check out my Google Scholar page for a complete list. Other preprints can be found in arXiv.


National Science Foundation (NSF): Condensed Matter and Materials Theory, AMO Theory/CMMT, and Major Research Instrumentation; CoS Blog and Department of Energy's Office of Science (AI for Strongly Correlated Materials)


Spartan High-Performance Computing Facility (must be on campus network)

Teal High-Performance Computing Cluster (must be on campus network)

Physics Club

Beginner Machine Learning